Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Branching Out

...is complete. Well, it's knit, but not blocked. I need to find some blocking pins and then figure out what to pin it to. It's dark red, and I'm afraid of ending up with my comforter (off-white) or my carpeting (neutral beige) with big red streaks. I'll ask Whit about it when we have dinner tomorrow. Whit knows everything about blocking.

And I learned how to knit backwards. Of course, I used a YouTube video by KnitWitch. Now to practice on Monica, which seems to be positively endless amounts of stockinette.

In other news, my friend Robert gave me a print of pugs that he and Megan bought at the Dogwood Festival this weekend. It's a great picture, and looks sort of like Lucy. The artist is Michelle Mardis of the Tampa Bay area.

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