I know, I know ... right now some of the less kind among you are saying, "well, it's about darned time she actually finished something." I have no response to that. It's way too true. But the bottom line is that when you're a non-monogamous sort of knitter, you always have lots on the needles and only small progress is made on multiple things.
But, oh, baby, when they get going, they're just zooming off the needles. And that's what happened this week. So here, finally, is some progress.
First (drum roll, please), I am pleased to present Hanami.
She is in Fino Alpaca With a Twist, and I have to say, I love this yarn. The color is Champagne and it's very close to the color of that lovely wine, the palest off-white. The pattern is by the same designer who gave us the Mystery Stole last year, and represents the Japanese Cherry Blossoms in Washington, DC. The basketweave portion is a homage to the Asian origins of the flowers; the remainder represents cherry blossoms as they begin to drift off the trees, finally puddling at the bottoms of the trees.
Next, a surprise--literally, Baby Surprise. This is a surprise to me because the pattern absolutely flummoxed me and I thought maybe it would never be completed. And yet, here it is:
Kinda cute if I do say so.
The ubiquitous helmet liner. The Atlanta Knitting Guild has sent 250 of these liners to our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.
And, of course, the Children in Common sweater challenge ends this week, so the post wouldn't be complete without the two little vests and a sweater sent off in the mail yesterday:
The two vests are done from the Countrywool free vest pattern (formerly the "What's in My Pocket" Vest but now, with the advent of increased shipping costs, simply the CIC vest). The little sweater is Margaret Hulbert's Simple Child's Sweater pattern.
Gotta go--Mr. Pug and the pugs and I are driving to Virginia for a family wedding tonight. We'll drive as far as Charlotte, then finish the trip tomorrow. But, needless to say, I'm not finished packing and he just showed up, ready to go. Oh, well .....